Sunday, April 13, 2014

First CT Scan Results - Good News

Originally sent in an email on March 22, 2014


So we received really good news from the first CT scan results. The tumors in my liver and lung are both less dense and smaller.  This means that, so far, the chemo is working! Now it's early, so we are not jumping through hoops yet, but this really great news and confirms what I have been feeling inside. Honestly, I went into the meeting with the oncologist without feeling nervous at all.  It was actually a funny session, as we immediately jumped into discussing issues with the fourth session and how we could mitigate them in the fifth session. Just the fact that we were talking a fifth session meant the CT results had to have been positive, but Dr. Wolpin did not come right out and say it.  So I brought it up as sort of the..."so, I take it with these discussions that we had a good CT scan...?" He looked a bit embarrassed, and said yes quite good.  We had a few laughs and he walked us through what we described above. Karla and I hugged and had some tears in our eyes (tears of happiness for a change). So the plan is continue onwards - no change to the chemo schedule. It's working so let's hope it continues to work.

There was a small caveat.  I have been getting this really bad jaw and upper body pain, generally on the second day. Dr. Wolpin wanted to fully eliminate heart issues from the equation. Apparently, this pain manifests itself in two ways based on two of the different drugs I am taking. In one case, it's just a side effect that has to be managed (through Tylenol), but in the more rarer cases, it may be a strain on the heart, and the chemo regimen may have to be changed.  So we were scheduled to come back in the next day for an EKG on my heart (just a bunch of wires attached to the body) to make sure it wasn't the latter.  Unfortunately,the pain did not really hit me until late in the day so we did not get in until Day 3.  But the results came back negative - regular heartbeat.  I finished the chemo session around 2:30 yesterday and Karla hooked me up to some fluids.  We detached everything around 6PM and now we go through the regular two week routine before the next session.  I was a bit more lethargic over the past two days as we dialed back on the steroid.

Karla's folks have been helpful this week, and will be heading back to Myrtle Beach later today.  This morning, Karla and I will be visiting a realtor in the area to start the process of looking for a new home this summer (I won't be in temporary housing forever).  We are also getting closer to the au pair's arrival in April and hope to Skype with her this weekend to see how things are going.

Very happy to pass on good news.  All the best.


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