Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Requests from friends.

Karla here, I hacked into Andrew's blog.  I didn't think I could figure it out, but I did and proud of myself.
Many of you already know, that Andrew's health has taken a turn for the worse. He was recently in the hospital due to severe abdominal pain and given heavy narcotics to ease the pain.  The oncologist informed us this would happen and isn't a good sign of things to come. The "last chance" chemo really took a toll on his health, and he is unable to continue with treatment. His body fought very hard to beat the cancer, but the science has yet to figure it out. We now have a Hospice team in place to support us through this difficult journey. The goal is to keep him comfortable and pain free.  I'm not going to go into details about the situation, that is not the reason for my post. I will explain, the reason for my hacking.

One of the many devastating aspects of this  awful situation is Isla and Graeme will not really know Andrew.  This is where I need your help. Many of you have shared wonderful times and memories with him.  If you could write a letter, or 10 ( you know who you are) to Isla and Graeme telling them of your wonderful memories. Even postcards Andrew sent you would be greatly appriciated. I will take these letters and make the kids books. They will learn about their father through all of you.  Pictures would be great as well.  You can either email them to me or snail mail. 
My email is  Karlacuthill@gmail.com
You can email me for our home address.

Now that I know I can hack his blog, I will post updates.  I'm not a huge writer so they will be brief. 
Thanks for reading,

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