Happy Boxing Day
I thought I would give you all an update on the children. I've mostly write about my experiences and my perspective without really mentioning the kids. So here is a quick update on the kids.
Isla had a Frozen christmas, everything was Frozen, from crayons to sheets. She also got a Word girl costume that she is obsessed with and wouldn't take it off yesterday. But there was on thing Santa forgot and that was binoculars. She wanted ones just like Daddy's. We use them to watch for birds in the backyard. We also took them to Hawaii when we were out there two years. She had been asking for them for awhile and honestly I don't know why I didn't buy them. But the nice thing about a January birthday is I can right the wrongs on Christmas. I've already been on Amazon to find a pair of kid friendly binoculars.
She's handling this all very well, she speaks of Andrew often. All happy memories, I hope they never fade.
I was just interrupted by Isla because she is scared to be alone at the moment. This happened last night too. Grandad just came upstairs and I convinced him to read another story.
Graeme is wonderful, he's sitting up on his own. This is a recent development, just last week he was unable to steady himself. I think he's quite proud of himself. He's also cut two bottom teeth. Ouch. He getting bigger and is starting to show movements that would suggest crawling. (Isla never bothered to crawl, she just got up and walked.) We will see if he follows in her foot steps or not.
He's still not sleeping more than 4 hours a night. It's pretty painful, but once the house is quiet and he is in his own room we will try to start sleep training. Fingers crossed.
Graeme absolutely adores Isla. He lights up the moment she walks in the room. She too loves to love on him so much that she shares her germs with him too. (She was the Typhoid Mary) I guess with the second child this is unavoidable.
Yesterday was extremely difficult. The day seemed to drag on and had no real holiday feel. I miss him more and more everyday.
I love reading your blog. You are such an inspiration to me. More than you will ever know.